Major General Brett I. Williams discusses the distinction between cyberwarfare and information warfare. The distinction can be important!
Posted in Blog, Cybersecurity & Infosec, Nation State
This article has some very good insights regarding what board members say they want and what they are getting from CISOs. They still tend to be skeptical of risk presented as loss predictions in dollars. Storytelling still has an important role to play.
Posted in Cybersecurity & Infosec, Risk Management
Elad Yoran writes a SC Magazine blog relating what’s in the news to your privacy and personal devices.
Posted in Cybersecurity & Infosec
This is an interesting case where a DuPont employee stole trade secrets prior to retirement. It is often the young, brash employee who is the scapegoat. I speak from personal experience, that in the Midwest, large, old corporations distrust vendors, contractors and new employees, and tend to overlook the risk that comes from the long-time “trusted and loyal” employee. There is even a stigma if you have been at a company a long time, and leave before retirement. However, until recently, many companies continued to provide email and corporate services, and even let retirees keep their laptop, because of their retiree status. Shows that good feelings don’t amount to much, when competitors are willing to pay big bucks for your secrets. Everyone is a potential leak.
Posted in Blog, Criminal, Cybersecurity & Infosec
Here’s a recent blog post I wrote for SC Magazine:
Posted in Blog, Cybersecurity & Infosec, IoT, IIoT, ICS-SCADA