This is a very good overview of what many would call ‘basic hygiene‘ or the ‘bare minimum‘ for corporate cybersecurity defense. There are some additional vendors with new solutions, which I might add to the list, such as: Conventus NorthStar (get a view to your total security posture and enterprise risk using data you already have), BitGlass (inline CASB that goes beyond app discovery), Venafi (machine identity protection), SafeBreach (continuous automated red team testing). As I start to regularly review new and innovative vendor solutions, I will start a series of posts with my findings.
CornCon Kids’ Hacker Camp was held on May 19, 2018 at St. Ambrose University. Over 40 kids of all ages showed up for the event, which included electronics, games, coding, lockpicking and the tools and methods of hackers and the importance of the ethical ‘white hat’ use and protection of technology. For photos from the May 19 event, visit:
This is the first mid-year hacker camp held for The Children of the CornCon, which is run alongside the CornCon (Quad Cities Cybersecurity Conference) each Fall. On September 8, 2018, the fourth annual CornCon conference will be held at SAU Rogalski Center for both kids and adults, with world-class speakers, vendors, an expanded hacker village and competitions. For more information, and to register, visit
Cloudflare Mitigated a Record Breaking 5.6 Tbps DDoS Attack -
Last October, Cloudflare mitigated a 5.6Tbps UDP-based DDoS attack from a 13k Mirai botnet that lasted 80 seconds.